Answer :


An Olfactory indicator is defined as a substance whose smell varies when it is mixed with an acidic or basic solution. Such substances can be used in the laboratory to test whether a solution is a base or an acid, and this process is called olfactory titration. All onion,clove oil and vanilla extract are examples.


I hope this helps u somehow

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[tex]\bigstar[/tex] An olfactory indicator is a substance that changes smell when mixed with an acidic or basic solution. This process is called olfactory titration and can be used in a laboratory to test whether a solution is acidic or basic. Some examples of olfactory indicators include :

  • Onion : When mixed with acid, an onion retains its natural flavor, but when mixed with a base, it loses its scent and becomes odorless.
  • Clove oil : Clove oil is an example of an olfactory indicator.
  • Vanilla extract : Vanilla extract is an example of an olfactory indicator.


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