Answer :

The elements of the communication cycle include sender, message, channel, receiver, feedback, and noise.

- Sender: The person or entity who initiates the communication by encoding and sending a message.

- Message: The information, idea, or content being transmitted from the sender to the receiver.

- Channel: The medium through which the message is transmitted, such as face-to-face, phone call, email, or social media.

- Receiver: The person or entity for whom the message is intended and who decodes and interprets the message.

- Feedback: The response or reaction provided by the receiver back to the sender, indicating understanding or lack thereof.

- Noise: Any interference or disturbance that affects the transmission, reception, or interpretation of the message, which can be physical, semantic, or psychological in nature.

These elements work together in a cyclical process to facilitate effective communication between individuals or groups.



2) Message

3) Encoding

4) Communication channel



7) Feedback

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