Answer :

During the Cholas' reign, the society and culture underwent massive changes. During this time period, the temple served as the focal point for all social and religious gatherings. The surroundings of this region became a school for the people, where students were taught the Holy Scriptures and the ancient Vedas.


During the Chola Empire (circa 9th to 13th century CE), the lives of ordinary men and women were influenced by a variety of factors. Agriculture was central to the economy, with most people engaged in farming or related activities. Villages were the basic units of society, governed by local councils or assemblies known as sabhas.

Women in Chola society had relatively more freedom compared to some other contemporary cultures in India. They participated in economic activities, managed households, and in some cases, held positions of authority. However, their status varied based on their caste and socio-economic background.

Religion, particularly Shaivism (devotion to Shiva) and Vaishnavism (devotion to Vishnu), played a significant role in daily life. Temples were not only religious centers but also hubs of economic and social activity. They provided employment to artisans, priests, and other workers, and served as venues for cultural and educational pursuits.

Trade flourished under the Cholas, facilitated by a well-developed system of ports and roads. This contributed to cultural exchange with other regions, including Southeast Asia.

Overall, the lives of ordinary people during the Chola Empire were shaped by agriculture, trade, religion, and community life centered around villages and temples.

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