Answer :









To solve the compound inequality \(-1 \leq 3 + 4x < 23\), we need to break it down into two separate inequalities and solve them individually:

1. \(-1 \leq 3 + 4x\)

2. \(3 + 4x < 23\)

### Solving \(-1 \leq 3 + 4x\)

Subtract 3 from both sides:


-1 - 3 \leq 4x



-4 \leq 4x


Divide both sides by 4:


\frac{-4}{4} \leq x



-1 \leq x


### Solving \(3 + 4x < 23\)

Subtract 3 from both sides:


4x < 23 - 3



4x < 20


Divide both sides by 4:


x < \frac{20}{4}



x < 5


### Combining the two inequalities

We combine the results of both inequalities:


-1 \leq x < 5


### Representing the solution set on the number line

To represent the solution set \(-1 \leq x < 5\) on the number line:

- Draw a number line.

- Mark the points \(-1\) and \(5\).

- Draw a closed circle at \(-1\) to indicate that \(-1\) is included in the solution set.

- Draw an open circle at \(5\) to indicate that \(5\) is not included in the solution set.

- Shade the region between \(-1\) and \(5\) to indicate all the numbers in that interval are included.

The number line representation looks like this:



 -1                 5



The solution set is \([-1, 5)\).

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