V, Identify the parts of speech of the bold words in the following sentences.
1. I asked my Biology teacher
what I should do to save it.
2. From his talk, it seems studies were an ancillary subject; and living and
experiencing, the major subject.
3. And she was cross.
4. Papa, that's what happens in my craft and drawing class.
5. Anyway, Papa, do you know where I lost that quarter mark that brought
about my fall?
6. Thimmakka could not go to school due to poverty and lack of facilities.
7. The decision was
mine alone.
8. The attempt was on.
9. My knowledge of pace deserted me.
10. A voice shouting 'Relax' penetrated into me above the noise of the crowd.
11. There was no pain, only a great unity of movement and aim.
12. The world seemed to stand still or did not exist.
13. The noise in my ears was that of the faithful Oxford crowd.
14. There were only fifty yards more.
15. I felt like an exploded flashlight with no will to live.
16. Well, wonders will never cease.

Answer :


Please mention the bold words!


Certainly! Here are the parts of speech for the bold words in the given sentences:

1. **I** asked my Biology teacher what **I** should do to save **it**.

- I: Pronoun

- I: Pronoun

- it: Pronoun

2. From his talk, **it** seems studies were an ancillary subject; and living and experiencing, the major subject.

- it: Pronoun

3. And **she** was cross.

- she: Pronoun

4. Papa, **that's** what happens in my craft and drawing class.

- that's: Pronoun (contraction of "that is")

5. Anyway, Papa, do **you** know where **I** lost **that** quarter mark that brought about my fall?

- you: Pronoun

- I: Pronoun

- that: Pronoun

6. Thimmakka could not go to school due to poverty and **lack** of facilities.

- lack: Noun

7. The decision was **mine** alone.

- mine: Pronoun

8. The attempt was **on**.

- on: Preposition

9. **My** knowledge of pace deserted **me**.

- My: Pronoun

- me: Pronoun

10. A voice shouting 'Relax' penetrated **into** **me** above the noise of the crowd.

- into: Preposition

- me: Pronoun

11. There was no pain, only a great unity of movement and **aim**.

- aim: Noun

12. The world seemed to stand still **or** did not exist.

- or: Conjunction

13. The noise **in** my ears was that of the faithful Oxford crowd.

- in: Preposition

14. There were only fifty yards **more**.

- more: Adjective

15. I felt **like** an exploded flashlight with no will to live.

- like: Preposition

16. **Well**, wonders will never cease.

- Well: Interjection

These parts of speech help to understand the grammatical structure and function of the bold words within each sentence.


Mark as Brainliest

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