Answer :



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The origin of modern computers can be traced back to several key developments and inventions over time:

1. **Analytical Engine (1837-1843)**: Designed by Charles Babbage, the Analytical Engine is considered the first conceptual design of a programmable mechanical computer. Although it was never completed during his lifetime, Babbage's ideas laid the foundation for modern computing concepts.

2. **Colossus (1943-1944)**: Developed during World War II by British engineer Tommy Flowers, Colossus was the world's first programmable digital electronic computer. It was used to break German codes and played a significant role in the Allied victory.

3. **ENIAC (1945)**: The Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC) was the first general-purpose electronic digital computer. It was designed and built by John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert at the University of Pennsylvania, and it became operational in 1945.

4. **EDVAC and UNIVAC (1940s-1950s)**: Following ENIAC, further developments led to the creation of the Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer (EDVAC) and the Universal Automatic Computer (UNIVAC), which marked advancements in computing technology and commercial applications.

5. **Integrated Circuits (1958)**: The invention of integrated circuits by Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce in the late 1950s paved the way for miniaturization of computers and led to the development of microprocessors, which are fundamental components of modern computers.

While many individuals and teams contributed to the development of computers over the years, Charles Babbage, Tommy Flowers, John Mauchly, and J. Presper Eckert are among the key figures credited with major breakthroughs in computer technology.


Origin of Computer:

Inventor: Charles Babbage


●Charles Babbage is known as the "Father of the Computer" because he designed the first mechanical computer, the Analytical Engine, in the 19th century. Although it was never fully built in his lifetime, the design contained many features present in modern computers, such as an arithmetic logic unit, control flow through conditional branching and loops, and integrated memory.

●Babbage's work was supported by Ada Lovelace, who is considered the first computer programmer because she wrote algorithms intended to be processed by the Analytical Engine.

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