make a pie chart comparing the population data of Nagaland and Rajasthan
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Answer :



- **Nagaland Population**: Approximately 2.3 million

- **Rajasthan Population**: Approximately 77 million

**Pie Chart Representation**:

- Nagaland: Approximately 2.9%

- Rajasthan: Approximately 97.1%

This visually shows Rajasthan's significantly larger population compared to Nagaland.


To create a pie chart comparing the populations of Nagaland and Rajasthan for 2024, we need the most recent population data for both states.

As of 2024:

- Nagaland's population is approximately 2.19 million [[❞]]( [[❞]]( [[❞]](

- Rajasthan's population is approximately 86.4 million [[❞]](

Using these figures, you can create a pie chart. Here’s how the population comparison looks in percentage terms:

1. **Nagaland:** \( \frac{2.19}{2.19 + 86.4} \times 100 \approx 2.47\% \)

2. **Rajasthan:** \( \frac{86.4}{2.19 + 86.4} \times 100 \approx 97.53\% \)

You can represent these values in a pie chart, showing that Rajasthan's population makes up the vast majority compared to Nagaland.

To visualize this:

- **Nagaland:** 2.47%

- **Rajasthan:** 97.53%

You can use these percentages to create the pie chart in any charting tool or software.

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