Answer :


The Tip of a sewing needle is made sharp, so as to put large pressure on a very small area of cloth. → A nail has a pointed tip, so that when it is hammered, the force of hammer falls on a very small area of wood or wall to create a large pressure which penetrates the nail into wood or wall easily.

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1) The Tip of a sewing needle is made sharp, so as to put large pressure on a very small area of cloth. 2) A nail has a pointed tip, so that when it is hammered, the force of hammer falls on a very small area of wood or wall to create a large pressure which penetrates the nail into wood or wall easily. 3) It is difficult for us to walk on sand, because our feet sink into it. on the other hand , a camel which is much heavier can easily walk on sand . This is because a camel has a broad feet. The weight of the camel is spread over the large area covered by its feet. Thus, the pressure exerted by its body on the sand is less. 4) The tyres of buses and trucks have broad and double wheels, so that the pressure on the tyres is reduced and they do not brust. The bigger the wheels, the less is the pressure on them, so that they can carry greater weight. 5) A school bag has a wide strap made of thick cloth so that the weight of bag falls over a large area of the shoulder of the child. This produces less pressure on the shoulder and hence the child can carry heavy school bag more comfortably.

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