Answer :


Water Requirements Frequency: ●Seedlings need more frequent watering; mature plants need less frequent but deeper watering.

● Quantity: Light watering for succulents; moderate for houseplants and garden vegetables; heavy for moisture-loving plants like tomatoes.

● Timing: Water in the morning for best absorption; evening watering can increase fungal risk.

● Care Requirements

● Soil: Use well-draining soil; adjust type based on plant needs (sandy for cacti, loamy for ferns).

● Light: Provide appropriate light levels (full sun, partial shade, or full shade) based on the plant's needs.

● Temperature: Ensure suitable temperatures; some plants are cold-tolerant, others are heat-tolerant.

● Pruning and Maintenance: Regularly prune to remove dead parts, weed, and check for pests.

● Mulching: Helps retain moisture and suppress weeds.


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