Answer :



An **exothermic reaction** is a chemical reaction that releases energy in the form of heat, resulting in an increase in temperature of the surroundings.

An **endothermic reaction** is a chemical reaction that absorbs energy from its surroundings, usually in the form of heat, leading to a decrease in temperature of the surroundings.

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[tex]\bigstar[/tex] Exothermic reactions release energy, while Endothermic reactions absorb energy.


[tex]\bigstar[/tex] Explanation :-

In exothermic reactions, more energy is released when bonds form in the products than is used to break bonds in the reactants. This energy is usually released in the form of heat, but can also be released as light, electricity, or sound. Exothermic reactions cause the temperature of their surroundings to rise. For example, mixing laundry detergent and water is an exothermic reaction that feels warmer.

In endothermic reactions, more energy is absorbed when bonds in the reactants break than is released when new bonds form in the products. Endothermic reactions absorb heat energy from their surroundings, causing the surroundings to cool. For example, mixing citric acid and baking soda is an endothermic reaction that causes the surrounding flask to feel cold.

A chemical reaction that absorbs as much energy as it releases is called isothermic, and there is no net energy change.


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[tex]{ \large{ \red{ \frak{ Answer \: given \: by \: Navu ❤✨ }}}}[/tex]

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