Answer :


Why does kerela have a better human development index ranking?

Kerala has a better Human Development Index (HDI) ranking compared to Punjab despite having a lower per capita income for the following reasons:

1. Education: Kerala has a much higher literacy rate of 91% compared to Punjab's 76%. Kerala has made education widely accessible to all sections of society, regardless of caste or class.[3]

2. Healthcare: Kerala has a robust public healthcare system, with over 2,700 government hospitals and 330 hospital beds per 100,000 population - the highest in India.[3] This has led to better health outcomes like lower infant mortality and higher life expectancy.

3. Political commitment: The state government in Kerala has prioritized investments in social welfare programs, healthcare, and education, leading to tangible improvements in human development indicators.[3]

So while per capita income is not the sole determinant, Kerala's focus on human development factors like education and healthcare has allowed it to achieve a higher HDI ranking than Punjab, which has a higher per capita income.[1][2][3]


Kerala has a better Human Development Index (HDI) ranking primarily due to several key factors and historical developments:

1. **Social Development Policies:** Kerala has a long history of implementing progressive social policies focused on education, healthcare, and social welfare. This includes initiatives like the Kerala Model of Development, which emphasizes equitable access to education and healthcare for all its citizens.

2. **High Literacy Rates:** Kerala boasts one of the highest literacy rates in India, which significantly contributes to its HDI ranking. Education is valued highly in Kerala, leading to better employment opportunities and overall socioeconomic development.

3. **Healthcare Access:** The state has a well-established healthcare system with a focus on primary healthcare services. This ensures that a large proportion of the population has access to basic healthcare facilities, contributing to better health outcomes and life expectancy.

4. **Social Indicators:** Kerala performs well on various social indicators such as infant mortality rate, maternal mortality rate, and gender parity in education and healthcare. These indicators reflect a society that invests in the well-being of its people.

5. **Empowerment of Women:** Kerala has made significant strides in women's empowerment and gender equality. Higher levels of female literacy and workforce participation contribute to overall human development and social progress.

6. **Political Stability and Governance:** The state has a stable political environment and effective governance structures that facilitate the implementation of development programs and policies.

7. **Remittances:** Kerala also benefits from remittances sent back by Keralites working abroad, which contribute to household incomes and overall economic stability.

In summary, Kerala's better HDI ranking is the result of sustained investments in education, healthcare, and social welfare, along with progressive social policies and effective governance. These factors have collectively contributed to improving the quality of life and well-being of its residents over the years.

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