These questions are from the novel the time travel please help me to answer these questions.

Answer the following questions in detail 1.Why did the author choose the story to take part in the future?

2. Why were the future people pointing at the sun ?

3. How does the forest fire catch up weena and what did the time traveller do to save
her life and was he succeeded in saving her?

4. Describe the ending paragraph in detail?​

Correct answers will be marked in brainlist

Answer :


It seems like you're referring to H.G. Wells' novel "The Time Machine." Here are the detailed answers to the questions:

1. **Why did the author choose the story to take part in the future?**

  - H.G. Wells chose to set "The Time Machine" in the future to explore speculative themes about the evolution of humanity and society. By projecting the narrative into the distant future, Wells could examine the potential consequences of social, technological, and environmental changes. Additionally, placing the story in the future allowed Wells to comment on contemporary issues and social inequalities prevalent during his time, such as class division and industrialization.

2. **Why were the future people pointing at the sun?**

  - In "The Time Machine," the future people, known as the Eloi, point at the sun as a ritualistic behavior. They worship the sun as a symbol of light and warmth, associating it with their survival and sustenance. The Eloi, being a passive and childlike species, engage in simple activities and rituals, and pointing at the sun is one such behavior observed by the Time Traveller during his interactions with them.

3. **How does the forest fire catch up Weena and what did the Time Traveller do to save her life, and was he succeeded in saving her?**

  - Weena, one of the Eloi, is caught in a forest fire that engulfs the area where the Time Traveller and the Eloi reside. The fire spreads rapidly, trapping Weena and endangering her life. The Time Traveller attempts to rescue her by carrying her away from the flames to a safer location. Despite his efforts, the Time Traveller is unable to save Weena, and she ultimately dies from her injuries caused by the fire. The Time Traveller is devastated by her death, feeling a sense of guilt and responsibility for failing to protect her.

4. **Describe the ending paragraph in detail?**

  - The ending paragraph of "The Time Machine" reflects the Time Traveller's emotional and philosophical reflections on his experiences and journey through time. In the final scene, the Time Traveller returns from his final journey into the future, deeply affected by his encounters with different societies and civilizations. He expresses a sense of disillusionment and resignation, realizing the limitations of human understanding and the inevitability of change and decay in the universe. The Time Traveller's reflections suggest a sense of ambiguity and uncertainty about the future of humanity and the fate of civilization, leaving readers to ponder the deeper implications of his journey and the mysteries of time and existence.

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