Practice 1.4
The population of a town in a state in 2014 includes 2,51,129 men; 2,48,894 women and 89,804
children. What is the total population of that town? Also, if the total population in 2013
5,01,329, then calculate by what number did the population increase in 2014?

Answer :


The total population in the town in 2014 is the sum of the number of men, women and children.

Men + Women + Children = Total Population

2,51,129 + 2,48,894 + 89,804 = Total Population

Adding the number of men, women and children, we get:

Total Population = 5,89,827

Therefore, the total population of the town in 2014 was 5,89,827.

Now, let's find the population increase in 2014 compared to 2013.

Population Increase = Total Population in 2014 - Total Population in 2013

Population Increase = 5,89,827 - 5,01,329

Calculating the increase, we get:

Population Increase = 88,498

In conclusion, the total population of the town in 2014 was 5,89,827, and the population increased by 88,498 compared to 2013.

Step-by-step explanation:

hello I am in hurry so I am only telling steps

1) add the population of men, women and children

2) we got the answer

3) subtract the population of 2014 from 2013 to know to much population increased

thanks (if it was helpful pls mark me as the brainliest

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