Q8. Read the story and answer the following questions:-
Once upon a time, the children of Neelkanth Apartments decided to organize a sale to
raise money for a charity event. Each child volunteered to prepare and sell different
types of treats to contribute to the cause.
Tom prepared bhelpuri, Sarah made water balls (golgappe), Emily prepared oreo ice-
cream and mango ice-cream, and Alex decided to make vegetable sandwich. They
worked hard all weekend to prepare their delicious treats.
On the day of the sale, the children set up their tables with their dishes. Tom had 13
trays of bhelpuri, each containing 12 bowls of bhelpuri. Sarah had 7 trays of water balls
, with 24 water balls in each tray. Emily made 24 oreo ice-cream and 36 mango ice-
cream. Alex kept 16 sandwiches in each tray, and he had 19 trays in total.
1. How many bhelpuri bowls did Tom have in total?
2. How many water balls (golgappe) did Sarah have in total?
3. How many ice-creams did Emily prepare?
4. How many sandwiches did Alex have in total?
5. If each bowl of bhelpuri was sold for *50, each water for *5, each mango ice cream
for *35, each oreo ice-cream for *40, and each sandwich for *60, how much money did
each child raise in total from their sales?
6.How much money did the children raise if all the children pooled their earnings

Answer :


Let's break down the information given and answer each question step by step.

1. **How many bhelpuri bowls did Tom have in total?**

Tom had 13 trays of bhelpuri, each containing 12 bowls.

Total bhelpuri bowls = 13 trays * 12 bowls/tray = 156 bowls.

2. **How many water balls (golgappe) did Sarah have in total?**

Sarah had 7 trays of water balls, each containing 24 water balls.

Total water balls = 7 trays * 24 water balls/tray = 168 water balls.

3. **How many ice-creams did Emily prepare?**

Emily made 24 oreo ice-creams and 36 mango ice-creams.

Total ice-creams = 24 oreo + 36 mango = 60 ice-creams.

4. **How many sandwiches did Alex have in total?**

Alex had 19 trays of sandwiches, each containing 16 sandwiches.

Total sandwiches = 19 trays * 16 sandwiches/tray = 304 sandwiches.

5. **How much money did each child raise in total from their sales?**

- Tom's total earnings:

Each bowl of bhelpuri was sold for ₹50.

Total earnings = 156 bowls * ₹50/bowl = ₹7800.

- Sarah's total earnings:

Each water ball was sold for ₹5.

Total earnings = 168 water balls * ₹5/water ball = ₹840.

- Emily's total earnings:

Each oreo ice-cream was sold for ₹40, and each mango ice-cream was sold for ₹35.

Total earnings = (24 oreo ice-creams * ₹40) + (36 mango ice-creams * ₹35)

= (24 * ₹40) + (36 * ₹35)

= ₹960 + ₹1260

= ₹2220.

- Alex's total earnings:

Each sandwich was sold for ₹60.

Total earnings = 304 sandwiches * ₹60/sandwich = ₹18240.

6. **How much money did the children raise if all the children pooled their earnings together?**

Total money raised = Tom's earnings + Sarah's earnings + Emily's earnings + Alex's earnings

= ₹7800 + ₹840 + ₹2220 + ₹18240

= ₹29100.

So, the children raised a total of ₹29,100 together.


1. Tom had 156 bowls of bhelpuri in total (13*12)

2.Sarah have 168 water balls in total (7*24)

3.Emily prepared total 60 icecreams(24+36)

4.Alex have 304 sandwiches in total.(16*19).






6. Their total money - 29,100

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