
make two solid cubes using cards. from the two cubes, make two dice with conditions:(i)top face number 6 and number 2 is adjacent to 4 (ii) Bottom face has number 3 and number 4 is adjacent to 5​

Answer :


Step-by-step explanation: To create two dice from two solid cubes using cards, let's follow the given conditions:

Cube 1:

Top Face (Condition i): Number 6 is on the top face.

Arrange the numbers on Cube 1 as follows:

Top Face: 6

Front Face: 1

Right Face: 5

Left Face: 3

Back Face: 4

Bottom Face: 2

Here, number 2 (bottom face) is adjacent to 4 (back face).

Bottom Face (Condition ii): Number 3 is on the bottom face.

Arrange the numbers accordingly:

Bottom Face: 3

Remaining faces can be arranged to meet the condition where number 4 is adjacent to 5.

To satisfy the condition (ii) where number 4 is adjacent to 5 on the bottom face, you can arrange the remaining numbers as:

Front Face: 1

Right Face: 5

Left Face: 2

Back Face: 4

Top Face: 6

Cube 2:

For Cube 2, ensure that the top and bottom faces meet the conditions specified:

Top Face (Condition i): Number 6 is on the top face.

Arrange the numbers on Cube 2 as follows:

Top Face: 6

Front Face: 3

Right Face: 1

Left Face: 5

Back Face: 2

Bottom Face: 4

Here, number 2 (back face) is adjacent to 4 (bottom face).

Bottom Face (Condition ii): Number 3 is on the bottom face.

Arrange the remaining numbers to satisfy condition (ii) where number 4 is adjacent to 5:

Bottom Face: 3

Front Face: 1

Right Face: 5

Left Face: 2

Back Face: 4

Top Face: 6

By arranging the numbers on the cubes according to these conditions, you will have two dice where each cube satisfies the specified conditions for the top and bottom faces.

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