during the rease time you find children litterty the play ground and not making use of dustbin kept there evre the class room has wrappers strok all over despite the instucrtion issued from time to time little need is begin paid write an article are about 100 to 120 words on cleanliss xyz

Answer :


The assertion (A) "Water is important for plants" is generally accepted as true. Water is crucial for plant growth and survival because it serves several essential functions:

1. **Transport of Nutrients**: Water acts as a medium to transport dissolved nutrients from the soil into the roots of plants. These nutrients, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and others, are essential for plant growth, development, and metabolism.

2. **Photosynthesis**: Water is a key component in the process of photosynthesis, where plants use water, carbon dioxide, and light energy to produce glucose (food) and oxygen. Water molecules are split during this process, providing electrons necessary for the synthesis of carbohydrates.

3. **Cell Structure and Turgor Pressure**: Water maintains the structural integrity of plant cells and tissues. Turgor pressure, which is the pressure exerted by water inside the plant cells against the cell wall, helps keep the plant upright and supports growth.

Regarding the reason (R) "Nutrients dissolved in water are absorbed by roots of plants," this statement supports assertion (A) because it explains how plants utilize water to obtain essential nutrients. Plant roots absorb water along with dissolved nutrients from the soil through a process called osmosis and nutrient uptake. This process is essential for plant growth, as plants cannot directly uptake solid nutrients; they need these nutrients dissolved in water to be absorbed effectively by their roots.

Therefore, both assertion (A) and reason (R) are correct, and reason (R) correctly explains assertion (A).

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