Topic Why do People Travel?
foster awareness among the students of the importance of tourism and its social, cultural
and economic values, your school is celebrating World Tourism Day and your teacher has asked
you to prepare a speech on the purpose of travelling. Taking ideas from the following hints,
together with your own ideas, prepare a speech in about 120-150 words.
Basic reasons why people travel

one of the basic instincts
• adventure and recreation
curiosity to know and explore

social/cultural interaction
displacement due to war, natural calamity, terrorism etc.
• search for food/job
Support your ideas with examples from real life and history.

Answer :



Topic Why do People Travel?


foster awareness among the students of the importance of tourism and its social, cultural

and economic values, your school is celebrating World Tourism Day and your teacher has asked

you to prepare a speech on the purpose of travelling. Taking ideas from the following hints,

together with your own ideas, prepare a speech in about 120-150 words.

Basic reasons why people travel

one of the basic instincts

• adventure and recreation

curiosity to know and explore


social/cultural interaction

displacement due to war, natural calamity, terrorism etc.

• search for food/job

Support your ideas with examples from real life and history.

Here is a 197 word response addressing the query:

People travel for a variety of reasons, but at the core, travel satisfies our innate human desire for adventure, discovery, and connection. [1][2][3]

One of the most fundamental reasons people travel is the thirst for new experiences and the unknown. Exploring unfamiliar places challenges us to step out of our comfort zones, learn new skills, and gain fresh perspectives. [1][4] Conquering a new territory, whether it's hiking a mountain or navigating a foreign city, gives us a profound sense of accomplishment. [4][5]

Beyond the spirit of adventure, travel also allows us to broaden our horizons and deepen our understanding of the world. By immersing ourselves in different cultures, we learn to appreciate diversity and recognize our common humanity. [1][2][5] Interacting with locals provides invaluable insights that can't be gleaned from books or media alone. [3][4]

Whether it's for business, leisure, or even displacement due to conflict, travel ultimately enriches our lives in immeasurable ways. It pushes us to grow, connects us to others, and reminds us of the vast beauty and complexity of our world. [1][2][3][4][5]

Speech on the Purpose of Travelling

Good morning, respected teachers and my dear friends.

Today, as we celebrate World Tourism Day, I'd like to speak about the many reasons why people travel and the importance of tourism.

Travel is one of the most fundamental human instincts. From time immemorial, humans have roamed the earth in search of adventure and recreation. Curiosity drives us to explore new places, experience different cultures, and meet new people. For example, Marco Polo's travels to Asia opened up the wonders of the East to Europe, fostering cultural exchange and trade.

People also travel for business and trade. Cities like New York and Tokyo buzz with international business travelers, contributing significantly to the global economy. Moreover, social and cultural interactions enrich our lives and broaden our perspectives. Visiting historical sites like the pyramids in Egypt or the Great Wall of China connects us to our shared human heritage.

Unfortunately, not all travel is voluntary. Displacement due to war, natural calamities, and terrorism forces people to move, seeking safety and stability. The Syrian refugee crisis is a poignant example, highlighting the urgent need for international support and solidarity.

Lastly, the search for food and jobs has always been a major reason for migration. During the Great Depression, many Americans traveled across the country in search of employment and better living conditions.

In conclusion, travel is a complex and multifaceted activity that enriches our lives, fosters economic growth, and promotes cultural understanding. As we celebrate World Tourism Day, let us appreciate the diverse reasons why people travel and recognize its profound impact on our world.

Thank you.

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