Answer :


The Persian wheel sprinkler and electric tube wells significantly reduced farmers' dependence on rainfall, which is an advantage of the Green Revolution. Here's why:

### Advantages:

1. **Increased Agricultural Productivity:** By providing a reliable water supply, these technologies enabled consistent and increased crop yields, regardless of irregular rainfall.

2. **Expansion of Cultivable Land:** Farmers could cultivate land that was previously non-arable due to lack of water, leading to greater overall agricultural production.

3. **Stability and Predictability:** With controlled irrigation, farmers could plan their planting and harvesting more effectively, reducing the risks associated with unpredictable weather patterns.

4. **Enhanced Crop Variety:** Reliable irrigation allowed farmers to grow a wider variety of crops, including those that required more water, thus improving food diversity and security.

5. **Economic Benefits:** Higher and more stable yields led to increased incomes for farmers, stimulating rural economies and reducing poverty.

### Disadvantages:

1. **Environmental Impact:** Overuse of groundwater from tube wells can lead to depletion of aquifers and reduced water quality due to contamination or salinization.

2. **Energy Consumption:** Electric tube wells require energy, often from non-renewable sources, contributing to environmental pollution and increased energy costs for farmers.

3. **Socio-economic Disparities:** Wealthier farmers benefited more from these technologies due to the high initial investment costs, exacerbating economic disparities in rural areas.

4. **Maintenance and Dependence:** The infrastructure requires regular maintenance and operational costs, which can be a burden for some farmers. Dependence on external inputs like electricity or fuel also poses challenges.

Overall, while the reduction of dependence on rainfall through technologies like the Persian wheel sprinkler and electric tube wells was a significant advantage of the Green Revolution, it also brought along some environmental and socio-economic challenges.


Modern irrigation methods such as perennial canals and tubewells offer several advantages and disadvantages to wheat farmers. Here are some of the key points for each:


Increased crop yield: Modern irrigation methods ensure a consistent and reliable water supply to the wheat crops, which can lead to increased yields compared to rain-fed agriculture.

Improved crop quality: Proper irrigation can help in maintaining the required moisture levels in the soil, leading to better crop quality and reduced risk of crop failure.

Control over water supply: Farmers using modern irrigation methods have more control over when and how much water to supply to their crops, which can be crucial during dry spells or drought conditions.

Diversification of crops: With reliable water supply, farmers can diversify their crops and grow different varieties of wheat or even other crops, which can help in reducing risks associated with monoculture farming.

Increased flexibility: Modern irrigation methods provide farmers with flexibility in managing their water resources, allowing them to adapt to changing weather patterns and market demands.


High initial investment: Setting up modern irrigation systems such as perennial canals and tubewells can require a significant upfront investment, which may be a barrier for small-scale farmers.

Operating costs: Operating modern irrigation systems can be expensive due to the costs associated with electricity or fuel for running pumps, maintenance, and repair of equipment.

Water scarcity concerns: Overuse of water resources through modern irrigation methods can lead to water scarcity issues in the long run, especially in regions where water is already scarce or where aquifers are being depleted.

Environmental impact: Improper use of modern irrigation methods can lead to soil salinity, waterlogging, and other environmental issues that can harm the ecosystem and reduce long-term agricultural productivity.

Dependency on external sources: Farmers relying on modern irrigation methods may become dependent on external sources for water supply, which can be risky if there are interruptions in supply or if the cost of water increases significantly.

Overall, while modern irrigation methods can offer significant benefits to wheat farmers in terms of increased yields and better crop quality, it is essential to carefully consider the potential drawbacks and manage the systems sustainably to ensure long-term benefits for both the farmers and the environment

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