(ii) Your family had gone on a long vacation. There was a short circuit in your home in
your absence. Narrate your experience of entering the house, figuring out the problem
repairing the damage.

Answer :


After two weeks of blissful vacation, my family and I returned home with our suitcases and souvenirs in tow. As we pulled into the driveway, I immediately noticed something was off. The lights, which should have been automatically turning on at dusk, were conspicuously dark. Unease crept in as I fumbled for the keys.

The moment I opened the door, the smell of burnt plastic hit me. My heart sank. I quickly flipped the light switch, but nothing happened. Grabbing a flashlight from the garage, I cautiously entered the house, guiding my family to wait outside until I assessed the situation. The beam of the flashlight revealed blackened outlets and scorch marks on the walls of the living room. It was evident there had been a short circuit.

First, I checked the fuse box. As I suspected, several circuit breakers had tripped. I flipped them back, but nothing happened, indicating a deeper issue. With a sense of urgency, I called an electrician.

While waiting for the professional, I carefully inspected the house, making sure there were no lingering flames or smoldering spots. Fortunately, the short circuit hadn't sparked a major fire, but the damage was significant. The living room, dining area, and part of the kitchen had been affected.

The electrician arrived swiftly and confirmed my suspicions. He identified the faulty wiring in an old lamp that had caused the short circuit. After disconnecting the faulty wires and ensuring the safety of the remaining electrical systems, he began the repair process.

We spent the night at a nearby hotel, and by the next day, the electrician had repaired the wiring. However, the damage to the walls and some appliances required further attention. Over the next week, we coordinated with a contractor to fix the scorched walls and replace damaged outlets.

Throughout this ordeal, I learned the importance of regular electrical inspections and the risks posed by outdated wiring. Though the experience was harrowing, it underscored the value of professional help and preventive measures in safeguarding our home.

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