B. Answer the following questions in brief.
covers a certain distance in one hour and Paheli covers the same distance in two hours,
1. If Boojho
who travels
with a higher speed?
2. Give two examples of events that repeat after a fixed time interval.
3. How many seconds are there in
(a) 1 minute and
4. What is the SI unit of speed?
(b) 1 hour?
[NCERT Exemplar]
5. If distance travelled is measured in kilometres and time taken is measured in hours, what is the unit of
6. What do you understand by the terms 'rest' and 'motion'?
7. Show the shape of the distance-time graph for the motion of a car moving with constant speed.
8. Show the shape of the distance-time graph for the motion of a car parked on a side road.
9. Which speed is greater: 30 m/s or 30 km/h?
10. Starting from A, Paheli moves along a rectangular path ABCD as shown in figure below. She takes 2
minutes to travel each side. Plot a distance-time graph and explain whether the motion is uniform or
8 cm
6 cm
8 cm
6 cm

Answer :



1. Boojho travels with a higher speed since he covers the distance in one hour compared to Paheli, who takes two hours.

2. Two examples of events that repeat after a fixed time interval are sunrise and sunset, and the changing of seasons.


  (a) There are 60 seconds in 1 minute.

  (b) There are 3600 seconds in 1 hour.

4. The SI unit of speed is meters per second (m/s).

5. If distance travelled is measured in kilometres and time taken is measured in hours, the unit of speed is kilometres per hour (km/h).

6. 'Rest' refers to the state of an object when it is not moving relative to its surroundings, whereas 'motion' refers to the state of an object when it is changing its position relative to its surroundings.

7. The shape of the distance-time graph for the motion of a car moving with constant speed is a straight line with a positive slope, indicating uniform motion.

8. The shape of the distance-time graph for the motion of a car parked on a side road is a horizontal line parallel to the time axis, indicating zero distance covered over time, which represents rest.

9. 30 m/s is greater than 30 km/h because meters per second is a smaller unit of distance than kilometers per hour, so 30 m/s covers more distance in one second than 30 km/h.

10. To plot the distance-time graph for Paheli's motion along the rectangular path ABCD, we would have straight line segments representing each side of the rectangle. Since Paheli takes 2 minutes to travel each side, the graph will have horizontal segments for each side, indicating constant distance covered over time. Since the time taken to cover each side is constant, the motion is uniform.

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