Answer :



The self-inductance \( L \) of a long solenoid depends on two main factors:

1. **Number of Turns (N):** The self-inductance is directly proportional to the square of the number of turns \( N \) of the solenoid. Mathematically, \( L \propto N^2 \). This means that as the number of turns increases, the self-inductance also increases.

2. **Length of the Solenoid (l):** The self-inductance is also directly proportional to the length of the solenoid \( l \). Mathematically, \( L \propto l \). As the length of the solenoid increases, the self-inductance also increases.

These two factors, the number of turns and the length of the solenoid, play significant roles in determining the self-inductance of a long solenoid.

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