Answer :


Invasion of Muslim and sacking of saleh

the events experienced in the west Africa region during the region of the Ghana empire included the invasion of the Muslim and the sacking of koumbi saleh by almoravids


During the Ghana Empire (approximately 300 AD to 1200 AD), several significant events occurred in history. Here are some key events that took place during the Ghana Empire:

1. **Rise of the Ghana Empire**: The empire emerged as a powerful state in West Africa, known for its control over gold and salt trade routes.

2. **Islamic Influence**: The spread of Islam began to influence the empire, particularly through trade contacts with North African Muslim merchants.

3. **Trade and Wealth**: Ghana became a major center for trade, particularly in gold and salt, which were exchanged across the Sahara Desert.

4. **Decline and Fragmentation**: Towards the end of the empire's existence, internal conflicts and external pressures from neighboring states contributed to its decline and eventual fragmentation.

5. **Invasion by Almoravids**: In the 11th century, the Ghana Empire faced invasions from the Almoravids, a Berber Muslim dynasty from North Africa, which weakened its political and economic power.

These events collectively shaped the history and legacy of the Ghana Empire as a significant political and economic entity in West Africa during the medieval period.