Maths teacher designed a special "Board Game" to teach Coordinate Geometry to her class.
Look at her designed "Board Game" and the position of counters on it and answer the related
(a) Write the coordinates of 3 distinct points lying on y axis (any three)
(b) Write the coordinates of the point on X'OY'.
(d) Find the mid point of the line segment joining the points in the 1st & 2nd quadrant.
(e) Find the distance between the 2 points on x axis as shown in the figure.

Maths teacher designed a special Board Game to teach Coordinate Geometry to her class Look at her designed Board Game and the position of counters on it and ans class=

Answer :

Step-by-step explanation:

here's a simple solution for the same just in another form!

Hope it helps!!

thank uh☺

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