Answer :


To find the area of the shaded region between two concentric circles, we need to subtract the area of the smaller circle from the area of the larger circle.


- Radius of the larger circle (\( R \)) = 11 cm

- Radius of the smaller circle (\( r \)) = 9 cm

First, calculate the area of each circle using the formula \( \pi r^2 \):

Area of the larger circle:

\[ A_{\text{larger}} = \pi \times (11)^2 = 121 \pi \text{ square cm} \]

Area of the smaller circle:

\[ A_{\text{smaller}} = \pi \times (9)^2 = 81 \pi \text{ square cm} \]

Now, find the area of the shaded region, which is the difference between the area of the larger circle and the area of the smaller circle:

\[ \text{Area of shaded region} = A_{\text{larger}} - A_{\text{smaller}} \]

\[ \text{Area of shaded region} = 121 \pi - 81 \pi \]

\[ \text{Area of shaded region} = 40 \pi \]

Therefore, the area of the shaded region is \( \boxed{40 \pi} \) square centimeters.

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