mean of first 10 prime numbers.
(25) The mean age of 15 people was 32 years. One new person joined the group aged 48 years.
Find the new mean age of 16 persons of the group.
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Answer :


Mean of the First 10 Prime Numbers:

The first ten prime numbers are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, and 29. To find their mean, we’ll add them up and divide by the total count (which is 10):


Therefore, the mean of the first 10 prime numbers is approximately 12.91.

New Mean Age of 16 Persons:

Given that the mean age of 15 people was 32 years, we can find the total age of the initial group:

Total age of 15 people=15×32=480 years

Now, including the new person aged 48 years, we have a group of 16 people. Let’s find the new total age:

New total age=480+48=528 years

Finally, calculate the new mean age:

New mean age=Total number of peopleNew total age=16528=33 years

Therefore, the new mean age of the 16-person group is 33 years.

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