:k: 1
y: 2
Personal Pronouns
ine whether the given bold words are subjective, objective or possessive pronouns.
I went to the store to buy groceries.
• They asked us to join them for dinner.
• The blue car that is parking outside is mine.
• Amna gifted me a wrist watch.
• We are playing in the backyard.

Answer :


Let's analyze each sentence to determine whether the bolded words are subjective, objective, or possessive pronouns:

1. **I went to the store to buy groceries.**

- "I" is a subjective pronoun (first person singular).

2. **They asked us to join them for dinner.**

- "They" is a subjective pronoun (third person plural).

- "us" is an objective pronoun (first person plural).

3. **The blue car that is parking outside is mine.**

- "mine" is a possessive pronoun (first person singular).

4. **Amna gifted me a wristwatch.**

- "me" is an objective pronoun (first person singular).

5. **We are playing in the backyard.**

- "We" is a subjective pronoun (first person plural).

So, to summarize:

- **Subjective pronouns:** I, they, we

- **Objective pronouns:** us, me

- **Possessive pronoun:** mine

These classifications are based on the function of each pronoun within the sentence.

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