Answer :


you should be loyal and care each other and share everything

The key to making friends is to appear interesting to people around it. If it happens naturally, it lasts but if u make an artificial impression to the people around u, the friendship may start to breakdown. In a friendship u start up as polite and humble and slowly u wouldn't even know when u start doing a bunch of stuff together that's not even supposed to happen. If u really wanna make friends, consider the following points.

  • Take interest in the ongoing trends.
  • Develop a sense of humor or be good at deciphering dark humor.
  • Make sure u don't turn chats between your friends into dark and gloomy ones just to sound cool. (extremely based on personal experience).
  • Tru to receive more attention than u provide others, (but don't be an attention seeker).
  • Make sure u learn to forgive your friends for trivial matters rather than falling out in an argument.

However, if the person is gradually losing interest in you, don't try to rejuvenate their interest in you, it will lead to toxicity in most cases. In such cases, become what we say, 'Not as intimate as before yet still friends'.

Everything written down here is based solely on personal experience. I hope they are of help to you. Have a nice term ahead and make lots of good friends

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