Answer :


I understand now. Let's simplify each expression without symbols and using plain language:

1. \( 7\sqrt{3} \): Seven times the square root of three.

2. \( \sqrt{10} + \sqrt{3} \): The square root of ten plus the square root of three.

3. \( 2\sqrt{5} \): Two times the square root of five.

4. \( 3\sqrt{2} \): Three times the square root of two.

5. \( \sqrt{6} + \sqrt{5} \): The square root of six plus the square root of five.

6. \( \sqrt{15} + 3\sqrt{2} \): The square root of fifteen plus three times the square root of two.

These descriptions should clarify each expression in simpler terms. Let me know if you have any more questions or if there's anything else you'd like to understand!


heres your answer

Step-by-step explanation:

Here are the simplified versions of the given expressions:

1. Simplified version of \(7\sqrt{3}\)

= \(7\sqrt{3}\)

2. Simplified version of \(VTO + \sqrt{3}\)

= \(VTO + \sqrt{3}\)

3. Simplified version of \(2\sqrt{5}\)

= \(2\sqrt{5}\)

4. Simplified version of \(3\sqrt{2}\)

= \(3\sqrt{2}\)

5. Simplified version of \(\sqrt{6} + \sqrt{5}\)

= \(\sqrt{6} + \sqrt{5}\)

6. Simplified version of \(\sqrt{15} + 3\sqrt{2}\)

= \(\sqrt{15} + 3\sqrt{2}\)

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