Answer :



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Hello bhagatsingh13august.

Nice to meet you

The question you asked is not too hard.

Yes, It's true additive identity is the multiplicative identity of integer

Please Mark Me as A Brainlist

Heyy!!! Here's ur answer:


[tex]\bf\large\mathcal{\fcolorbox{purple} {crimson}{\blue{卂几丂山乇尺:}}}



The additive identity and multiplicative identity in the set of integers are defined as follows:

1. Additive Identity: The additive identity is the number that, when added to any integer, leaves the integer unchanged. For the set of integers, the additive identity is 0. This is because a + 0 = a for any integer a.

2. Multiplicative Identity: The multiplicative identity is the number that, when multiplied by any integer, leaves the integer unchanged. For the set of integers, the multiplicative identity is 1. This is because a × 1 = a for any integer a.

Hope you find it helpful! (✌◠▽◠)

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