Answer :




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Step-by-step explanation:

Here are five natural numbers that are multiples of 3:

1. 3

2. 6

3. 9

4. 12

5. 15

Let's calculate the cube of each number:

1. 3^3 = 27

2. 6^3 = 216

3. 9^3 = 729

4. 12^3 = 1728

5. 15^3 = 3375

Now, let's verify if these cubes are multiples of 27:

1. 27 = 27 × 1

2. 216 = 27 × 8

3. 729 = 27 × 27

4. 1728 = 27 × 64

5. 3375 = 27 × 125

Yes, the cube of each multiple of 3 is indeed a natural number that is a multiple of 27!

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