Answer :

Let's solve the equations step by step:

  1. Start with the first equation:
  2. [tex][ \frac{265}{45} = x ] Simplifying this: [ x = \frac{265}{45} \approx 5.89 ][/tex]
  3. Now, let's substitute ( x ) into the second part of the expression:
  4. [tex][ x \div 54 \times 4 = x ] Using ( x = 5.89 ): [ 5.89 \div 54 \times 4 = 5.89 ][/tex]
  5. Next part of the expression:
  6. [tex][ 4 \times 3 = x ] Simplifying this: [ 12 = x ][/tex]
  7. Finally, we have:
  8. [tex][ x + 456 ][/tex]
  9. Substituting
  10. [tex]( x = 12 ): [ 12 + 456 = 468 ][/tex]

The solution for ( x ) is consistent with the above steps:

[tex]( x = 5.89 ) initially, but ( x = 12 ) [/tex]

as per subsequent parts of the equation. This seems contradictory, so the context or constraints of the equation might need clarification.

If we follow the second calculation consistently, ( x ) would be 12. Therefore, ( 12 + 456 = 468 ).


Let's solve the equations step by step.

Given equation 1: \( \frac{265}{45} = x \)

To find \( x \):

\[ x = \frac{265}{45} \]

Performing the division:

\[ x = 5.8889 \]

Given equation 2: \( \times \div 54 \times 4 = \times = 4 \times 3 = \times = \times + 456 \)

Let's break down and solve this step by step:

1. \( \times \div 54 \times 4 = \times \)

Let's denote this as \( y \):

\[ y \div 54 \times 4 = y \]

2. \( y = 4 \times 3 \)

Calculate \( y \):

\[ y = 12 \]

3. \( y = y + 456 \)

Now solve for \( y \):

\[ y = y + 456 \]

\[ y - y = 456 \]

\[ 0 = 456 \]

There seems to be an issue here. Let's re-evaluate the equation for clarity:

The equation might need clarification

Step-by-step explanation:

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