Answer :


Ausable, as depicted in Edward D. Hoch's stories, is portrayed as a highly intelligent and cunning spy. His sharp intellect and cleverness enable him to navigate complex situations, outwit adversaries, and solve intricate mysteries effectively. His character exemplifies the archetype of a sophisticated spy who relies on wit and strategic thinking rather than brute force. Thus, the statement accurately highlights Ausable's key attributes in the world of espionage.



Ausable, despite his looks, is referred as a Clever and a spy with great presence of mind! Max, another secret agent, threatens him with a pistol, demanding a report! Ausable used his great intelligence along with his presence of mind to trick him!

[tex]\large\sf\red{Character \: sketch \: of \: Ausable:}[/tex]

Ausable was a smart, intelligent man. He was very fat and sloppy, though he was a secret agent. He spoke in an American accent which he had brought from Boston twenty years ago. He could speak French and German but possibly he was a spy who dealt in espionage and danger.

[tex]\large\sf\red{Textbook \: referred:}[/tex]

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