Q6. Rohan is conducting an experiment to investigate the process of osmosis using potato slices. He places
equal-sized potato slices in two separate beakers filled with different concentrations of salt solution.
After some time, Rohan observes changes in the appearance and texture of the potato slices.
a) What changes will Rohan observe in the appearance and texture of potato slices?
b) Explain how endosmosis and exosmosis are related to the changes observed in the potato slices.

Q6 Rohan is conducting an experiment to investigate the process of osmosis using potato slices He placesequalsized potato slices in two separate beakers filled class=

Answer :


### a) Observations in the Appearance and Texture of Potato Slices

Rohan will observe the following changes in the potato slices placed in different concentrations of salt solutions:

1. **In the beaker with a high concentration of salt solution**:

- The potato slice will appear shriveled and become more rigid.

- The texture will be rough and less flexible.

2. **In the beaker with a low concentration of salt solution (or pure water)**:

- The potato slice will appear swollen and may become larger.

- The texture will be more turgid and firm.

### b) Explanation of Endosmosis and Exosmosis

**Endosmosis** and **Exosmosis** are processes related to the movement of water across a semi-permeable membrane due to osmosis.

1. **Endosmosis**:

- **Definition**: The movement of water into the cell when placed in a hypotonic solution (where the concentration of solutes outside the cell is lower than inside the cell).

- **Observation**: When the potato slice is placed in a low concentration salt solution (or pure water), water enters the cells by endosmosis. This causes the cells to swell, making the potato slice appear larger and turgid.

2. **Exosmosis**:

- **Definition**: The movement of water out of the cell when placed in a hypertonic solution (where the concentration of solutes outside the cell is higher than inside the cell).

- **Observation**: When the potato slice is placed in a high concentration salt solution, water exits the cells by exosmosis. This leads to the cells losing water, causing the potato slice to shrink and become more rigid and shriveled.

In summary, the changes observed in the potato slices are due to the osmotic movement of water. In a hypotonic solution, water enters the cells (endosmosis), causing swelling and firmness. In a hypertonic solution, water leaves the cells (exosmosis), leading to shrinkage and rigidity.