Fill in the blanks.
and walware needed for the growth and maintenance of the body.
2. PEM stands for
3. Deficiency of Vitamin D causes the disease of-
4. When a child is starving, he suffers from
-that leads to weakness.
5.- present in jaggery and nuts helps in the formation of---in the blood.

Answer :


1. Food and water are needed for the growth and maintenance of the body.

2. PEM stands for Protein-Energy Malnutrition.

3. Deficiency of Vitamin D causes the disease of rickets.

4. When a child is starving, he suffers from malnutrition that leads to weakness.

5. Iron present in jaggery and nuts helps in the formation of hemoglobin in the blood.

  1. Nutrients and water are needed for the growth and maintenance of the body.
  2. PEM stands for Protein-Energy Malnutrition.
  3. Deficiency of Vitamin D causes the disease of rickets.
  4. When a child is starving, he suffers from malnutrition that leads to weakness.
  5. Iron present in jaggery and nuts helps in the formation of hemoglobin in the blood.

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