Answer :


### Collenchyma


1. **Support:** Collenchyma cells provide structural support to growing parts of the plant, such as young stems and leaves, allowing them to withstand various mechanical stresses.

2. **Flexibility:** These cells are flexible and can elongate, helping the plant to bend without breaking.

3. **Protection:** Collenchyma tissues protect the plant from physical damage.

### Sclerenchyma


1. **Strength and Rigidity:** Sclerenchyma cells are thick-walled and lignified, providing rigidity and strength to mature plant parts, such as stems, bark, and seed coats.

2. **Support:** They offer structural support, especially in parts of the plant that are no longer growing.

3. **Protection:** Sclerenchyma cells help protect seeds and other plant parts from predation and mechanical damage.

### Parenchyma


1. **Photosynthesis:** Parenchyma cells in the leaves (mesophyll cells) contain chloroplasts and are involved in photosynthesis.

2. **Storage:** They store nutrients, water, and other substances in roots, stems, and leaves.

3. **Healing and Regeneration:** Parenchyma cells can dedifferentiate and divide, aiding in the healing of wounds and regeneration of plant tissues.

4. **Transport:** They help in the transport of nutrients and water through diffusion and active transport within the plant.

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