Degrees of Adjectives
Make sentences using the correct degree of the given adjectives,
One has been done for you.
1. 'big (superlative degree)
Ankit's house is the biggest house in this locality
2. heavy (comparative degree)
3. near (comparative degree)
4. noble (positive degree)
5. honest (superlative degree)
6. clever (comparative degree)
7. important (comparative degree)
8. high (superlative degree)
Some adjectives change completely in the comparative and superlative degrees
Example: + ✦ good, better, best
✦ much more most

Answer :


2. This box is heavier than that one.

3. The library is nearer to my house than the supermarket.

4. He has a noble character.

5. Sarah is the most honest person I know.

6. John is cleverer than his brother.

7. Understanding the basics is more important than memorizing details.

8. Mount Everest is the highest peak.


Sure, here are sentences using the correct degrees of the given adjectives:

2. heavy (comparative degree)

- Gold is heavier than silver.

3. near (comparative degree)

- New York City is nearer to Washington D.C. than Boston.

4. noble (positive degree)

- Serving others is a noble act.

5. honest (superlative degree)

- She is the most honest person I know.

6. clever (comparative degree)

- Jane is cleverer than her brother when it comes to puzzles.

7. important (comparative degree)

- Learning to communicate effectively is more important than perfect grammar.

8. high (superlative degree)

- Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.

please mark me as brainlist answer

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