Answer :




Uniform circular motion (UCM) is a type of motion where an object moves in a circular path at a constant speed, with no change in direction or acceleration. The object covers equal distances in equal time intervals, and its velocity vector is constantly changing due to the change in direction.

Examples of uniform circular motion:

1. A car moving on a circular track at a constant speed.

2. A satellite orbiting the Earth at a constant altitude.

3. A spinning top or a gyroscope.

4. A Ferris wheel or a merry-go-round.

5. A planet orbiting its star.

Forces that bring about uniform circular motion:

1. Centripetal force (acting towards the center of the circle): This force keeps the object moving in a circular path. Examples include:

- Gravity (in the case of satellite orbits or planetary motion).

- Friction (in the case of a car on a circular track).

- Tension (in the case of a spinning top or a gyroscope).

- Normal force (in the case of a Ferris wheel or merry-go-round).

Note: Uniform circular motion is different from circular motion with acceleration, where the speed or direction of the object changes as it moves in a circular path.


Uniform circular motion refers to the movement of an object in a circular path with constant speed. Although the speed remains constant, the direction of the object's velocity changes continuously, resulting in a constant change in the object's direction


A Car Turning in a Circular Track: When a car moves around a circular track at a constant speed, it is undergoing uniform circular motion.

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