Majed has two magic stones in his hand. If they are rubbed once, a stone will come out
from each stone. How many times the stones had to be rubbed to make the stone
number 100?

Answer :


Step-by-step explanation:

It seems like the question is incomplete, but I'll try to interpret it based on what's provided.

Let's assume the question is asking: "How many times the stones had to be rubbed to produce a total of four stones?"

If Majed has two magic stones and each time he rubs them, one stone comes out from each, we need to determine how many rubs are required to obtain four stones in total.

Let's break down the rubs and the stones produced:

- Rub 1: 2 stones → 2 stones (total: 2)

- Rub 2: 2 stones → 2 more stones (total: 4)

Therefore, Majed needs to rub the stones **two times** to produce a total of four stones.

If this interpretation matches the question you intended, then the answer is **two times**. Each rub produces one stone from each of the two stones he starts with.

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