
Assertion - the railways steamship the telegraphy were inportant invention which transformed the initeenth century world.​

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True. The railways, steamship, and telegraphy were indeed important inventions that transformed the 19th century world. Here's how:

- Railways:

- Revolutionized transportation, connecting cities and towns like never before.

- Facilitated the growth of industries, trade, and commerce.

- Enabled rapid movement of people, goods, and services.

- Steamship:

+Transformed ocean travel and global trade.

+Reduced travel time and increased cargo capacity.

+Connected continents and facilitated cultural exchange.

- Telegraphy:

+Enabled rapid long-distance communication.

+Facilitated global connectivity and information exchange.

+Transformed business, politics, and social interactions.

These inventions had a profound impact on the 19th century world, driving industrialization, globalization, and societal change.

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