Answer :

Step-by-step explanation:

To rationalize the denominator of the expression \(\frac{2\sqrt{3} - 3\sqrt{2}}{2\sqrt{3} + 3\sqrt{2}}\), we need to multiply both the numerator and the denominator by the conjugate of the denominator. The conjugate of \(2\sqrt{3} + 3\sqrt{2}\) is \(2\sqrt{3} - 3\sqrt{2}\).

Here are the steps to rationalize the denominator:

1. **Multiply the numerator and the denominator by the conjugate of the denominator**:


\frac{2\sqrt{3} - 3\sqrt{2}}{2\sqrt{3} + 3\sqrt{2}} \times \frac{2\sqrt{3} - 3\sqrt{2}}{2\sqrt{3} - 3\sqrt{2}}


2. **Simplify the numerator and the denominator separately**:



(2\sqrt{3} - 3\sqrt{2})(2\sqrt{3} - 3\sqrt{2})



= (2\sqrt{3})^2 - 2 \cdot 2\sqrt{3} \cdot 3\sqrt{2} + (3\sqrt{2})^2



= 4 \cdot 3 - 2 \cdot 2 \cdot 3 \cdot \sqrt{6} + 9 \cdot 2



= 12 - 12\sqrt{6} + 18



= 30 - 12\sqrt{6}




(2\sqrt{3} + 3\sqrt{2})(2\sqrt{3} - 3\sqrt{2})



= (2\sqrt{3})^2 - (3\sqrt{2})^2



= 4 \cdot 3 - 9 \cdot 2



= 12 - 18



= -6


3. **Combine the results**:


\frac{30 - 12\sqrt{6}}{-6}


4. **Simplify the fraction** by dividing both terms in the numerator by \(-6\):


= \frac{30}{-6} - \frac{12\sqrt{6}}{-6}



= -5 + 2\sqrt{6}


Therefore, the rationalized form of the expression is:


-5 + 2\sqrt{6}


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