Answer :


Here's a story to illustrate the phrase "Don't judge a book by its cover":

Once upon a time, in a small village, there lived a wise old man named Jack. Jack was a kind and gentle soul, but his appearance was quite rough. He wore tattered clothes, had a long white beard, and walked with a cane.

One day, a young traveler named Alex came to the village, seeking wisdom and guidance. When Alex saw Jack, he thought to himself, "This old man looks like a beggar. What wisdom could he possibly have to offer?"

But, desperate for guidance, Alex approached Jack and asked for his help. Jack welcomed Alex and shared his wisdom, teaching him valuable lessons about life, kindness, and compassion.

As they spent more time together, Alex realized that Jack's appearance had deceived him. Despite his rough exterior, Jack had a heart of gold and a wealth of knowledge.

Alex learned a valuable lesson that day: don't judge a book by its cover. People, like books, can surprise you with their hidden treasures.

From then on, Alex made sure to look beyond appearances and seek the wisdom and beauty within.


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