Answer :


  1. grow more and more trees
  2. keep clean your area

Here are to preserve biodiversity in your area:

1. Support local farms: Regularly buying from small local farmers at stands or markets helps to keep dollars in the local economy and supports agricultural efforts to conserve biodiversity. By choosing locally grown produce, you contribute to maintaining a diverse range of crops and reduce the risk of monoculture, which can negatively impact biodiversity².

2. Save the bees! :Bees play a crucial role in pollinating plants, which contributes to biodiversity. You can help by planting bee-friendly flowers and avoiding the use of harmful pesticides. Supporting local beekeepers and their efforts to maintain healthy bee populations is also essential for preserving biodiversity².

Remember that small actions can collectively make a significant impact on biodiversity. By being mindful of our choices, we can contribute to a healthier and more diverse environment!

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