a car having mass 2500 kg in moving with a velocity of 54 km per hour in the north direction find the momentum of the car along with direction ...

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Answer :


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To find the momentum of the car and its direction, we follow these steps:


- Mass of the car, \( m = 2500 \) kg

- Velocity of the car, \( v = 54 \) km/h (in the north direction)

First, convert the velocity from km/h to m/s (since momentum is typically calculated using SI units):

\[ v = 54 \text{ km/h} \]

1 km/h = \( \frac{1000}{3600} \) m/s (conversion factor)

\[ v = 54 \times \frac{1000}{3600} \text{ m/s} = 15 \text{ m/s} \]

Now, calculate the momentum (\( p \)) of the car:

\[ p = m \times v \]

\[ p = 2500 \text{ kg} \times 15 \text{ m/s} \]

\[ p = 37500 \text{ kg m/s} \]

Therefore, the momentum of the car is \( 37500 \) kg m/s.


- The car is moving in the north direction.

So, the momentum of the car is \( 37500 \) kg m/s in the north direction.

[tex] \huge \sf \purple{Answer:}[/tex]

37500 Kgm/sec

[tex] \huge \sf \purple{Solution:}[/tex]

[tex] \small \bf \pink{Formula \: we'll \: use:} \\ \sf{p = mv \: \: \: \: }[/tex]

where p is momentum, m is mass and v is velocity!

[tex] \sf \gray{m = 2500 \: kg } \\ \sf \gray{v = 54 \: \frac{km}{h} } \: \: [/tex]

Conversion of units, [km/h to m/sec(SI)]

[tex] \sf \gray{v = 54 \frac{km}{h} = 15 \frac{m}{sec} }[/tex]

By using formula(mentioned above) ,

[tex] \sf{2500 \: kg\times15 \: \frac{m}{sec} } \\ \sf{ = 37500 \: kg \times \frac{m}{sec} }[/tex]

[tex] \huge \sf \purple{Thanks! }[/tex]

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