If x is a positive real number and exponents are rational numbers, simplify: [x ^b/x^ c] (b+c-a) × [ x^c/ x^a] (c+a-b) × [x^a/x^b] (a+b-c) grade 9th ​

Answer :


Let's simplify the given expression step by step:

\[ \frac{x^b}{x^c}^{(b+c-a)} \times \frac{x^c}{x^a}^{(c+a-b)} \times \frac{x^a}{x^b}^{(a+b-c)} \]

First, simplify each term separately:

1. \( \frac{x^b}{x^c}^{(b+c-a)} = x^{b - c} \cdot (b + c - a) \)

2. \( \frac{x^c}{x^a}^{(c+a-b)} = x^{c - a} \cdot (c + a - b) \)

3. \( \frac{x^a}{x^b}^{(a+b-c)} = x^{a - b} \cdot (a + b - c) \)

Now, multiply these simplified expressions together:

\[ x^{(b - c) \cdot (b + c - a) + (c - a) \cdot (c + a - b) + (a - b) \cdot (a + b - c)} \]

Next, simplify the exponents:

Expand each term:

- \( (b - c) \cdot (b + c - a) = b^2 - c^2 - ab + ac \)

- \( (c - a) \cdot (c + a - b) = c^2 - a^2 - bc + ba \)

- \( (a - b) \cdot (a + b - c) = a^2 - b^2 - ac + bc \)

Add them together:

\[ b^2 - c^2 - ab + ac + c^2 - a^2 - bc + ba + a^2 - b^2 - ac + bc \]

Simplify by canceling out terms:

\[ - ab + ac + ba - bc \]

Combine like terms:

\[ a(b - c) + b(c - a) + c(a - b) \]

Therefore, the simplified expression is:

\[ x^{a(b - c) + b(c - a) + c(a - b)} \]

This is the simplified form of the given expression involving exponents and rational numbers.

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