Answer :


Human-made resources, also known as artificial resources, are distinct from natural resources in several ways:

1. **Origin**: Natural resources are naturally occurring substances or materials that exist in the environment without human intervention, such as air, water, minerals, and forests. Human-made resources, on the other hand, are created or modified by humans through various processes, such as manufacturing, construction, or technological advancements.

2. **Purpose**: Natural resources typically serve as raw materials or energy sources that are utilized by humans for various purposes. They are often extracted, harvested, or utilized directly from the environment. Human-made resources are designed and produced specifically to serve human needs and desires, such as buildings, machinery, tools, and technology.

3. **Modification**: Natural resources undergo minimal modification by humans before use, such as refining metals or processing raw materials. In contrast, human-made resources undergo significant transformation through human effort and technology, often involving complex manufacturing processes.

4. **Renewability**: Many natural resources are finite and can be depleted over time, such as fossil fuels or certain minerals. Human-made resources can sometimes be renewable (like renewable energy technologies), but often they are non-renewable or have a limited lifespan based on their design and materials used.

5. **Environmental Impact**: The extraction and utilization of natural resources can have significant environmental impacts, such as deforestation, habitat destruction, and pollution. Human-made resources also contribute to environmental impact through their manufacturing processes, waste generation, and energy consumption.

In summary, while natural resources are inherent in the environment and used directly or after minimal processing, human-made resources are deliberately created by humans to meet specific needs and undergo substantial transformation from their original state.

I hope it helps you dear

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