State three reasons why you think air is a mixture and water is a compound.
3. Explain why, hydrogen and oxygen are considered elements whereas water
considered an element.
e. Compare the properties of metals and non-metals with respect to
(i) malleability (ii) ductility, and (iii) electrical conductivity
10. Choose the solutions from among the following mixtures:
Soil, Sea-water, Air, Coal, Soda-water
11. Give two reasons for supposing that water is a compound and not a mixture.
12. List five characteristics by which compounds can be distinguished from mixture
13. (a) Differentiate between homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures.
(b) Classify the following materials as homogeneous mixtures and heteroge

Answer :




Here are the answers:

1. Air is a mixture because:

- It contains a variety of gases, such as nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and others.

- The proportion of these gases can vary depending on the location and conditions.

- Air can be separated into its component gases through processes like distillation or chromatography.

Water is a compound because:

* It is composed of two elements, hydrogen and oxygen, in a fixed ratio (2:1).

* It has properties that are different from its component elements, such as its boiling point and density.

* Water cannot be separated into its component elements through physical means, only through chemical reactions like electrolysis.

1. Hydrogen and oxygen are elements because they are the simplest forms of matter that retain their chemical properties. Water is considered a compound because it is a combination of two or more elements in a fixed ratio.

2. Metals and non-metals have different properties:

- Malleability: Metals are malleable (can be shaped), non-metals are not.

- Ductility: Metals are ductile (can be stretched), non-metals are not.

- Electrical conductivity: Metals conduct electricity, non-metals do not.

3. Solutions are: Soda-water, Sea-water

4. Water is a compound and not a mixture because:

- It has a fixed composition (2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom).

- It has properties that are different from its component elements.

5. Compounds can be distinguished from mixtures by:

- Fixed composition

- Homogeneous composition

- New properties different from component elements

- Cannot be separated by physical means

- Has a specific melting and boiling point

6. (a) Homogeneous mixtures have a uniform composition throughout, while heterogeneous mixtures have a non-uniform composition.

(b) Classifications:

* Homogeneous mixtures: Soda-water, Sea-water

* Heterogeneous mixtures: Soil, Air, Coal


1. Mixture: Two or more substances mix together but not combined with chemically. The components of air contain the mixture of gases of O2, N2, H2 and etc.

2. Water is one type of the compound, H2O. We cannot separate it.

If we do separate, then we can get H2 and O2 molecules. It is not a form of water.

3. Water does not show the individual properties of H and O, while the individual parts of the air display their own property.

question 3

answer: Hydrogen and oxygen are considered as elements which cannot split into different substances by applying any kind of energy like heat or electricity whereas water is a composed of constituents like hydrogen and oxygen in a fixed proportion and it can be split up by applying energy. So, it is not an element

question e

answer: The property of metals which allows metals to be hammered into thin sheets is called Malleability. Due this unique property, metals can be flattened into thin sheets by hammering and rolling. The property of metals which enables them to be drawn into wires is called Ductility. Due to this property metals can be stretched without breaking and drawn into thin wires. For example: Aluminium and copper are examples of highly ductile metals. Metals have free electrons which makes them good conductors of heat and electricity. Non- metals do not have free electrons, hence, they are nonconductors of heat and electricity. Properties Metals Nonmetals Malleability Metals are highly malleable. Nonmetals do not have malleability. Ductility Metals are highly ductile. Nonmetals do not have du Conduction of heat and electricity Good conductors of heat and electricity. Poor conductors of heat and electricity

question 10

answer:A solution is a homogeneous mixture of two or more substances.

Out of the above mixtures, seawater, air, and soda water are solutions.

question 11

answer:Water is a compound can be supported by the following facts:

1) Its constituents Hydrogen and oxygen are always present in the same ratio as 2:1(H2O)

2) Its properties are different from its constituent elements(hydrogen and oxygen)

3) Its constituents cannot be separated by simple physical means but requires chemical methods and it has a fixed boiling point.

question 12

answer : COMPOUND

1. It is a pure substance.

2. It can not be separated by a physical method.

3. Element loses their properties in a compound.

4. Its composition is fixed throughout its mass.

5. It has a fixed melting point.


1. It is an impure substance.

2. It can be separated by a physical method.

3. Substances forming mixture retain their properties.

4. It has no fixed composition.

5. It has no sharp melting point.

question 13

answer:Homogeneous mixture:

1. A substance that is uniform in composition

2. It has a single phase

Heterogenous mixture:

1. Composition is not uniform

2. More than two phases

(b) Homogenous mixtures -Soda water, air, vinegar, alcohol and water mixtures, sugar and water mixture, copper sulphate solution.

Heterogenous mixture- wood , petrol and water mixtures, chalk and water mixture.

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