Answer :


According to Government of India Act, 1935 “weaker section implies to those sections of society who are either because of traditional custom of practice of untouchability or because of tribal origin, tribal way of living or other backwardness have been suffering from educational and economic backwardness and some ...

pls make my answer brainliest


In the medieval period:

### Europe

- **Feudal System**: Serfs and peasants worked land for protection and sustenance.

### India

- **Caste System**: Lower castes faced severe restrictions, limited to menial jobs.

### Islamic World

- **Zakat and Waqf**: Charitable practices provided some welfare, education, and healthcare.

### China

- **Imperial Examinations**: Occasionally allowed lower-class individuals to rise in bureaucracy.

Overall, social mobility was limited, and weaker sections relied on local customs and the benevolence of the powerful.

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