
9. A shopkeeper selling toys offered a
discount of 10% on his marked price.
Further, owing to persistent bargaining by
a customer, he offered x toys free for every
20 toys purchased by the customer and
still made an overall profit of 8% on the
transaction. Find the value of x, if the toys
were marked at 50% more than the cost

Answer :

Step-by-step explanation:

MP of the item = Rs. 400

Discount % for 1st and 2nd = 10%

Concept used:

SP = MP - (MP × Discount%)


Price after 1st discount = 400 - (400 × 10%)

⇒ 360

Price after 2nd discount = 360 - (360 × 10%)

⇒ 324

So, the cost price of the customers after two discounts = Rs. 324

∴ The item is available to customers at Rs. 324

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