Answer :


Certainly! One example of a plant and an animal that can be found in all three types of terrestrial habitats (forests, grasslands, and deserts) are:

1. **Plant**: **Sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata)**

- Sagebrush is a hardy shrub that is adaptable to a variety of dry environments, including deserts and grasslands. It can also be found in certain forested areas where conditions are suitable.

2. **Animal**: **Coyote (Canis latrans)**

- Coyotes are highly adaptable canines that can thrive in a range of terrestrial habitats, including forests, grasslands, and deserts. They are versatile hunters and scavengers, able to survive in diverse environmental conditions.

These examples illustrate how certain species have adapted to survive and thrive across different types of terrestrial habitats.

please mark me as brainliest..

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