Answer :


To find the number by which \(-\frac{3}{13}\) should be multiplied so that the product is 24, we set up the equation:


x \cdot \left(-\frac{3}{13}\right) = 24


where \(x\) is the unknown number we need to find.

First, solve for \(x\) by multiplying both sides by \(-\frac{13}{3}\) (the reciprocal of \(-\frac{3}{13}\)) to isolate \(x\):


x = 24 \cdot \left(-\frac{13}{3}\right)


Calculate the right-hand side:


x = 24 \cdot \left(-\frac{13}{3}\right) = 24 \cdot (-\frac{13}{3}) = -8 \cdot 13 = -104


Therefore, the number by which \(-\frac{3}{13}\) should be multiplied so that the product is 24 is \(\boxed{-104}\).

Step-by-step explanation:

the answer is ➖ 104

To find the number by which we should multiply \(-\frac{3}{13}\) so that the product is 24, let's denote this number as \( x \).

We set up the equation based on the given condition:

\[ x \cdot \left(-\frac{3}{13}\right) = 24 \]

To solve for \( x \), multiply both sides by \(-\frac{13}{3}\) (the reciprocal of \(-\frac{3}{13}\)):

\[ x \cdot \left(-\frac{3}{13}\right) \cdot \left(-\frac{13}{3}\right) = 24 \cdot \left(-\frac{13}{3}\right) \]

Simplify the left-hand side:

\[ x = 24 \cdot \left(-\frac{13}{3}\right) \]

Calculate the multiplication on the right-hand side:

\[ x = -104 \]

Therefore, the number by which we should multiply \(-\frac{3}{13}\) so that the product is 24 is \(-104\).

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